Sherwood: a band from California somewhere, the singer was good, drummer was good (and cool), the keyboardist was freaking hilarious, doing all manner of dances while playing, the bass was fine... I don't remember a whole lot more.
Mae: I don't know where they are from or how they got where they are with their current singer. He had a nassal voice that would remind you (if you are like me) of Kermit the Frog. the bassist was good at bass, but did not move more than once during the entire show, the keyboardist was good and very funny (in an angry sort of way), I think the guitar stuff was good, but nothing remarkable.
Relient K: What can I say, they are really a great band. The bass was awesome, the drummer, who by the way played the entire show without a shirt, incase anyone was interested (I wasn't but you might have been), anyways, teh drummer was great, the vocals were good although poorly amplified, the guitarists were both awesome. I especially like Jon. He is funny and cool and stuff.
That's about it for tonight. Later I may write about the obnoxious woman I happened to bump into.
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