Thursday, May 17, 2007

Flashback: Mr. Wendell

Ok, today I had a flashback. I was walking out of the classroom to get a stapler from the office, and I remembered how last year, every time some one left Mr. Wendell's classroom during class, as soon the door had closed, he would make some joke about him or her. “Look at him go, that dork!” “She has no idea she looks so stupid!” and other remarks were far from uncommon. Man I miss those days. In fact I spent the rest of the walk to the office reminiscing about by-gone tragically good times. Well, Mr. Wendell, suffice it to say we all miss you… a lot!!


Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

NO kidding! We miss you so much. You might be interested to know, that we haven't been allowed to sit...just sit...on the front step of the school for lunch. We had to object violently for about 3 weeks before we got it changed. It just reminded me of the day when we went outside for chemistry because it was such a nice day. We all layed in the sun and talked. I miss last year.
Oh, btw, mr. should come to the highland games!!!! It's June 12 at the same location.

Anonymous said...

actually, I just said that about you.... ha. just kidding.

Holygosh said...

helen said to make a movie about someone finding out that they are dead. whatever